Entry Level Qualification
Nationally Recognised Training
Face-to-Face Learning
28 Weeks
BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills Overview
Prepare for your career by developing the soft skills that are required across all industries and sectors when you enrol in this hands-on course that offers a change of pace from traditional learning.
The nationally accredited BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills is ideal for people who want to learn basic skills in preparation for employment. This is a very practical course where student learning is supported by engagement with local industry. Students will visit real businesses in a variety of industries and listen to industry speakers in order to get a taste of entry level jobs in different sectors.
Course Description
This qualification will prepare you to work in a variety of entry-level Business Services job roles. This is a very practical course where student learning is supported by engagement with local industry. Learn basic skills and knowledge including communication, teamwork, time management, customer service, digital technologies, and workplace safety.
The BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills is an entry level qualification which reflects the day-to-day skills used in businesses across different industries and sectors. This qualification is suited to individuals who have not yet entered the workforce, and are developing the necessary skills in preparation for work. At this level, workers carry out a range of basic procedural, clerical, administrative or operational tasks that require self-management and technology skills. Individuals in these roles generally work under direct supervision.
Course Structure
This course may be available in the following ways:
- In-Campus classes
- As a traineeship:
- Full or part-time employment for new entrants - As part of school studies
- NESA - Year 11 towards HSC.
Course Entry Requirements
All students are required to provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI) number which will be validated by the College. Qualification and/or Statements of Attainment cannot be issued without the USI number.
Outlined are the pre-requisites for student enrolment. Students must:
- be 15 years or older;
- participate in a course entry interview to determine their needs and assess suitability;
- have sufficient language, literacy and numeracy skills, for example, to read materials relevant to the course, participate in discussions and observations and apply numerical concepts such as in relation to time management. This will be tested through a LLN assessment as part of the course entry process. Students will need to achieve ACSF Level 2 for reading, writing, numeracy and oral communication to enter the course.
- provide a current email address for contact and communication.
The specific course entry requirements are:
- Appropriate LLN skills as required to meet industry documentation requirements;
- Digital technology skills as required to meet industry requirements.
Course Participation Requirements
As a student studying in a face-to-face learning course, you'll need to attend the compulsory in-campus workshops as part of your training—two days each week.
Students will be encouraged to undertake independent study and skills practice for around 7-8 hours each
week. To assist, students will have access to:
• online learning and resources—24/7 access.
The learning program for the BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills includes:
- face-to-face workshops;
- work carried out online and in the real world, to broaden depth of knowledge or through self-directed research for projects and assignments;
- written knowledge assessments.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Students who have completed internal or external training may be able to have these skills acknowledged through recognition of prior learning. This request should take place at the time of enrolment to enable completion of an RPL Application form and issue of the RPL Self-Assessment pack. Please call 1800 952 264 for more information about the RPL process.
Units of Competency
To receive this qualification, students must complete 5 core units and 5 elective units (10 units in total). The 5 elective units have been chosen to align with industry requirements.
Core Units
BSBCMM211 Apply communication skills
BSBOPS201 Work effectively in business environments
BSBPEF202 Plan and apply time management
BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
BSBWHS211 Contribute to the health and safety of self and others
Elective Units
BSBCRT201 Develop and apply thinking and problem solving skills
BSBOPS203 Deliver a service to customers
BSBTEC201 Use business software applications
BSBTEC202 Use digital technologies to communicate in a work environment
SIRXCEG002 Assist with customer difficulties
Qualification Awarded
After successfully completing this course, students will be eligible to receive the nationally endorsed BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills.
Career Opportunities
Career opportunities for graduates of this course may include the following job roles:
- Office Assistant.
This training is subsidised by the NSW Government. Eligibility rules apply.
- NSW Fee Free
- Smart and Skilled
- JobTrainer
- Traineeship